Welding Automation

Save Engineering Dubai Technopark has a purpose built fabrication facility of around 4,500sq/mtrs to handle the most demanding spooling and fabrication contracts.

This can be utilised for manufacture and fabrication of a wide range of sizes and material types such as Clad Inc625/825 product, as well as solid Nickel based alloy fabrications to suit our demanding client requirements.

We can allocate 28 Pipe Fitters, 64 welders and 8 NDE personnel to support the spool fabrication activities when we are in full production. This will realise a productivity of about 600 inch dia (60 joints of 10" size , Wall thickness of 12.7 + 3 mm Clad) per day.

This fabrication capability offers a complete synergie to the other key product types within the group to allow Save Engineering to offer a complete "Turnkey Supply" to our customers.